Order from Deutsche Telenetz for rural areas

German operator Deutsche Telenetz signs a frame order on In:xtnd™ solution worth SEK 135 000 to be used in rural areas together with a connection via radio link. Delivery will be in Q4.

Deutsche Telenetz chooses to use radio link in rural areas to avoid having to pull fiber in the street. In order to effectively get into multi-family homes, they now choose to use In:xtnd as an access solution for these properties.

“We have been looking for a cost effective solution for broadband deployment in rural areas, and found the combination of FWA/radio link together with InCoax’s In:xtnd solution to be very attractive from both an ease of deployment and cost perspective. We now plan to make this part of our standard offering,” says Thomas Höhne CEO of Deutsche Telenetz.

„We are delighted to partner with Deutsche Telenetz and be able to offer their subscribers in rural areas future-proof broadband at a reasonable cost, and we see an interesting potential for this type of fixed wireless access solutions together with In:xtnd,“ says Håkan Rusk, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer of InCoax. 


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