North American Tier 1 Operator expands the project scope and places order for field trial

After a successful initial evaluation of InCoax MoCA Access 2.5 platform, InCoax Networks AB (publ) (”InCoax”) entered into an extended project agreement with the North American Tier 1 operator which was informed about in July 2020. The extended project collaboration is worth $150,000 of which one third will be invoiced in October 2020. The remaining $100,000 will be invoiced during 1H 2021.

The Tier 1 operator has decided to expand the scope of the ongoing evaluations of InCoax MoCA Access 2.5 platform for multi gigabit services. This will be done in a system solution, realized in HW & SW, which is close to the requirements the Operator puts for a final product. With the increased scope InCoax and the Tier 1 operator will, in close collaboration, verify necessary and desirable features in field trials in beginning of Q2, 2021.

”We are very satisfied that this North American Tier 1 Operator now decided to take the next step and it shows that our proposed solution is competitive and potentially disruptive to the access technologies they currently use. This represents a huge business opportunity for InCoax. Our solution should also be very interesting for other potential operator customers”, says Jörgen Ekengren, CEO, InCoax.                                                         

InCoax MoCA Access 2.5 platform provides up to 2,5 Gbps capacity to single subscribers in a cost-efficient way and co-exists with other services like TV. InCoax solution is scalable to serve private homes, MDU´s and hotels. The solution provides a rich network feature-set and is compatible to operators existing management systems.

“It is hugely satisfying that this operator now decided for a deeper co-operation with InCoax. With our system solution we can offer the operator industry the possibility to provide multi gigabit services to their subscribers at a very competitive cost. I have great expectations on this project and the future commercial relation with this Operator as well as other operators with similar use cases. The fact that this North American Tier 1 operator is also prepared to co-finance our development is also a good indication that we have a very interesting solution that they want to implement in their Access Networks”, says Helge Tiainen, Head of Product Management, Marketing & Sales, InCoax.

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